Virtual United States Air Force

Pilot: A4085 Mitchell Cannon Aircraft: BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 350I US ARMY MC-12V Distance: 302NM
Departure KDLF Arrival KDLF Duration 01:18
Validation Validated Type Charter Tail Number LOBO1
ZFW 10295 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 919/0 Flight Fuel 1,198
Passengers 0 Cargo 0 Alternate
Departure Time Cruise Speed Flight Level
Flight Type IFR Aircraft Type BE12 Weight Unit Lbs
Date March-07-2025 Pilot Comments Network VATSIM
Crashed No Validator Comments Flight Rating 100

Crashed OK Beacon off & Engine Running Fail KIAS Above 250 below 10000 FT Fail
Lights OFF below 10000 FT Fail Lights ON above 10000 FT Fail Stall OK
Overspeed Fail Flight paused Fail Refueling Fail
Slew detected OK Taxi & Taxi lights off OK Take off & lights off Fail
Landing & lights off OK Landed in not planned airport OK Taxi Speed OK
Wrong altimeter in Take off OK Wrong altimeter in Landing OK
Landing wind 110º/0 kt Landing heading 315
Landing VS: -106.11 ft/min Landing IAS: 88.76 kt
Landing Force G 1 G Landing Bank 1
Landing Pitch 2.6 Landing Flaps 2
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
2025-03-06 22:23:56 SIM ACARS version 1.4.1111082
2025-03-06 22:23:56 BOARDING111082
2025-03-06 22:25:16 REFUELING 10.96%101082
2025-03-06 22:25:36 REFUELING -1.00%141082
2025-03-06 22:26:34 STARTING ENGINE 2 101082
2025-03-06 22:26:34 STOPPING ENGINE 2 91082
2025-03-06 22:26:46 STARTING ENGINE 2 121082
2025-03-06 22:28:12 STARTING ENGINE 1 111082
2025-03-06 22:28:12 BEACON LIGHT OFF & ENGINE ON111082
2025-03-06 22:30:05 STOPPING ENGINE 1 91082
2025-03-06 22:30:06 STOPPING ENGINE 2 91082
2025-03-06 22:31:17 STARTING ENGINE 1 111082
2025-03-06 22:31:58 STARTING ENGINE 2 121082
2025-03-06 22:36:21 TAXI TO THE RWY 211082
2025-03-06 22:41:34 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF561082
2025-03-06 22:41:47 TAKE OFF1271083
2025-03-06 22:41:47 TAKE OFF WITH LIGHTS OFF1271083
2025-03-06 22:41:47 LIGHTS OFF BELOW 10000 ft1271083
2025-03-06 22:41:50 GEAR UP1391102
2025-03-06 22:44:27 DESCEND2002966
2025-03-06 22:44:57 CRUISE1943017
2025-03-06 22:52:57 DESCEND2252769
2025-03-06 22:54:07 CRUISE2392168
2025-03-06 22:56:27 CLIMBING2412339
2025-03-06 22:57:17 CRUISE2422422
2025-03-06 23:01:37 DESCEND2502508
2025-03-06 23:03:17 CRUISE2422510
2025-03-06 23:03:47 CLIMBING2362619
2025-03-06 23:04:37 CRUISE2402958
2025-03-06 23:08:07 DESCEND2452987
2025-03-06 23:09:37 CRUISE2412867
2025-03-06 23:12:37 DESCEND2442688
2025-03-06 23:13:17 CLIMBING2442858
2025-03-06 23:13:57 DESCEND2442797
2025-03-06 23:14:47 CRUISE2442917
2025-03-06 23:16:57 DESCEND2452290
2025-03-06 23:17:37 CRUISE2462108
2025-03-06 23:19:37 DESCEND2472092
2025-03-06 23:20:17 CRUISE2441999
2025-03-06 23:22:17 DESCEND2481773
2025-03-06 23:23:47 CRUISE2481742
2025-03-06 23:24:37 DESCEND2471547
2025-03-06 23:25:17 CLIMBING2431679
2025-03-06 23:25:47 CRUISE2441736
2025-03-06 23:26:37 CLIMBING2033230
2025-03-06 23:29:54 LIGHTS ON ABOVE 10000 ft16510502
2025-03-06 23:32:27 DESCEND21613503
2025-03-06 23:33:37 OVERSPEED26611602
2025-03-06 23:33:41 IAS ABOVE 250 KNOTS BELOW 10000 ft3009487
2025-03-06 23:33:48 RECOVER FROM OVERSPEED2688308
2025-03-06 23:33:57 CLIMBING2179419
2025-03-06 23:36:37 DESCEND20311765
2025-03-06 23:39:02 GEAR DOWN1526420
2025-03-06 23:39:59 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 11523080
2025-03-06 23:40:38 GEAR UP1491009
2025-03-06 23:40:58 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 01431765
2025-03-06 23:41:07 CLIMBING1562055
2025-03-06 23:42:37 CRUISE2044247
2025-03-06 23:43:07 CLIMBING2044436
2025-03-06 23:43:57 CRUISE1944670
2025-03-06 23:46:07 CLIMBING1984962
2025-03-06 23:46:47 CRUISE1855069
2025-03-06 23:49:57 DESCEND2014636
2025-03-06 23:52:08 CRUISE1793039
2025-03-06 23:59:48 DESCEND1772758
2025-03-07 00:00:06 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 11612383
2025-03-07 00:00:23 GEAR DOWN1522265
2025-03-07 00:01:08 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 21281735
2025-03-07 00:01:18 CRUISE1151738
2025-03-07 00:01:48 DESCEND1181411
2025-03-07 00:02:39 LANDING891081
2025-03-07 00:02:55 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 1251077
2025-03-07 00:02:55 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 0251077
2025-03-07 00:02:58 TAXI TO THE GATE201077
2025-03-07 00:04:34 STOPPING ENGINE 1 01081
2025-03-07 00:04:34 STOPPING ENGINE 2 01081
2025-03-07 00:05:11 SIM PAUSED01081
2025-03-07 00:05:12 SIM UNPAUSED01081
2025-03-06 22:24:561301082122BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:25:561201082-35822BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:26:561001082-35822BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:27:561001082-35522BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:28:561201082-35122BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:29:561201082-34622BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:30:561301082-34522BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:31:561101082-34422BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:32:561101082-33922BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:33:561401082-33422BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:34:561301082-32922BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:35:561101082-32422BOARDING
2025-03-06 22:36:561121082-31922TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-03-06 22:37:564141082-31422TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-03-06 22:38:56691083-30822TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-03-06 22:39:56401083-30322TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-03-06 22:40:56401083-29822TAXI TO THE RWY
2025-03-06 22:41:561571511162-28622CLIMBING
2025-03-06 22:42:561951772875-26919CLIMBING
2025-03-06 22:43:562002103078-25618CLIMBING
2025-03-06 22:44:561932263018-24518DESCEND
2025-03-06 22:45:561942283066-23319CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:46:561952392946-22119CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:47:562002453032-20919CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:48:561982413040-19819CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:49:562152633071-18419CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:50:562212673032-16919CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:51:562172613024-15520CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:52:562242682784-14120CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:53:562332672180-12722DESCEND
2025-03-06 22:54:562422792243-10722CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:55:562382572300-8921CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:56:562372642427-7021CLIMBING
2025-03-06 22:57:562442742502-5021CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:58:562472512626-3120CRUISE
2025-03-06 22:59:562462362682-1320CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:00:562432432627720CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:01:5624424026072620DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:02:5624624225114420DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:03:5623823726656419CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:04:5624523529428318CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:05:56243232289710218CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:06:56244237308212116CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:07:56248241304514016CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:08:56242237279015917DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:09:56241238283517817CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:10:56239236288619716CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:11:56243238286921616CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:12:56235228287023516DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:13:56244235281525416CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:14:56248237283827315CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:15:56249242259629216CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:16:56246246231031117CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:17:56246244210133118CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:18:56246244214735017CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:19:56244244202936917DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:20:56245239204538818CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:21:56248241195640818CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:22:56248246175842719DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:23:56245243171944719CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:24:56248241158146620DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:25:56247237177548519CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:26:56209234359050516CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:27:56203244542152316CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:28:56189227765054114CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:29:56166210105485588CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:30:56173238128125752CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:31:56199271136315900CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:32:56219257135356060DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:33:56222247927062011DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:34:56184207118196374CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:35:56197210133426530CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:36:56208216104246608DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:37:56169177798166413DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:38:56143148674466915DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:39:56153184328767417DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:40:56149167162068321DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:41:56184174397770116CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:42:56205216433771615CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:43:56194196466872815CLIMBING
2025-03-06 23:44:56194227470474015CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:45:56198233489875215CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:46:56183219507776315CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:47:56179210507477315CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:48:56184217507378315CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:49:56199246467079415CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:50:56206250348380317DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:51:56185225304581317DESCEND
2025-03-06 23:52:56171215303082317CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:53:56170204301083317CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:54:56167177304284217CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:55:56170180301485218CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:56:56174174302486218CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:57:56174150302287118CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:58:56170147302688118CRUISE
2025-03-06 23:59:56166144260489018DESCEND
2025-03-07 00:00:56138126189389820DESCEND
2025-03-07 00:01:56118108135690622DESCEND
2025-03-07 00:02:572413107691222LANDED
2025-03-07 00:03:5609108191722TAXI TO THE GATE
2025-03-07 00:04:5600108192022TAXI TO THE GATE
2025-03-07 00:05:5600108192022TAXI TO THE GATE

Neither the Department of the Air Force, nor any other component of the Department of Defense or Federal Government has approved, endorsed, or authorized this promotion, activity, or organization. Virtual United States Air Force organization is in no way affiliated with the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, or any other federal or government entity. Virtual United States Air Force is a group of flight simulation enthusiasts with the common interest of promoting enjoyment and cameraderie through the simulation of military operations and procedures utilizing several flight simulation platforms.

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